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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:25    点击次数:124
对外经济贸易大学国际学院2020年春季学期 来华留学生开学报到常见问题解答 FAQs for 2020 Spring Semester International Students of School of International Education, University of International Business and Economics   对外经济贸易大学已推迟2020年春季学期开学时间,2月底前不开学,目前尚未确定开学时间。开学时间一经确定,将提前通知,请大家务必不要提前返校。 The University of International Business and Economics has postponed the starting date of the spring semester of 2020. It will not start before the end of February, and the starting date has not yet been determined. Once the registration date is determined, it will be notified in advance. Please do not return to school in advance.   现就大家关心的常见问题回答如下: The answers to common questions that everyone cares about are as follows:   提问(Questions) &  解答(Answers)   我是在读学生 A: I am a current student      1.学校什么时候开学?我是否需要提前购买机票。 1. When does the school start? Do I need to buy a ticket in advance? 答:根据教育部及北京市教委要求,学校已经推迟2020年春季学期开学时间,2月底前不开学,目前尚未确定开学时间。开学时间一经确定,学校会提前通知大家。如果你还没有购买机票,请先不要购买,等开学时间确定后再买。根据学校疫情防控及延期开学的通知要求,再次重申开学前不得返校。 Answer: According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, the school has postponed the start of the spring semester of 2020. It will not start before the end of February. The starting time has not yet been determined. Once the starting time is determined, the school will inform everyone in advance. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, please don’t buy it and wait until the start of the semester is determined. In accordance with the notification for epidemic prevention and control and the notice for postponement of the start of the school, we reiterate that you cannot return to school before the school starts.       2.在收到学校开学通知后,如因航班取消或买不到合适的航班造成无法按时报到,学校会如何处理?      2.What will happen if I cannot return on time after receiving the notice of the school's opening because of the flight cancellation or no suitable flight?    答:如正式开学后,因航空公司停运或其他航空管制造成无法按时报到,请与自己的老师联系,办理请假手续,请假一般不超过两周。请假达到或超过学校关于休学的规定的,应办理休学手续。如果有其他原因不能按时来校报到,也需要提前请假。另外,如果你已经购买了机票,我们建议你取消或延后(目前许多航空公司推出了关于机票退票的免费政策) Answer: After the official start of the school, if you cannot register on time due to airline suspension or other aviation control reasons, please contact your administrator to apply for a leave (or late registration). The leave (or late registration) usually does not exceed two weeks. If the leave meets or exceeds the school's regulations on suspension, the suspension procedure shall be completed. If there are other reasons for failing to register on time, you need to ask for leave in advance In addition, if you have already purchased a ticket, we suggest that you cancel it or postpone it (many airlines now offer free policy on ticket refunds).       3.我现在不在中国,我的居留许可开学前可能到期,如何处理签证问题?     3.I'm not in China right now. My residence permit may expire before school starts. How do I deal with visa issues?    答:如遇此类情况,请在开学前先与自己的老师联系,我们将与出入境管理部门确认是否可以办理其他类型签证入境,入境后凭学校相关证明再转换为学习居留许可。但一定要提前跟老师联系,经确认方可按此方法办理。(签证办公室联系电话:+86-10-64495563,工作时间:北京时间周一至周五9:30到16:00) Answer: In such cases, please contact visa office before starting the school. We will confirm with the immigration management department whether other types of visas can be used for your entering. After entry, you visa will be converted into a study residence permit with the relevant school certificates. But be sure to contact the staff in advance, you can use this way after confirmation. (Contact number of the Visa Office: + 86-10-64495563, working hours: Monday to Friday 9:30 to 16:00 Beijing time)        4.我是奖学金生,我如果在开学后请假或申请休学,是否会影响奖学金? 4. I am a scholarship student. Will it affect scholarship if I take leave or apply for a break after school starts?    答:学校正式通知开学日期后,如无法按时到校,应提前办理请假或休学手续。按照我校奖学金生管理规定,奖学金生在学期间(正常假期除外)因个人原因离华时间超过15天的,其离华期间生活费停发。中国政府奖学金生申请休学,需报CSC审核批准,若休学获得批准,休学期间停发生活费,不提供校内免费住宿。其他奖学金生若申请休学,奖学金资格不予保留。 Answer: After the school officially announces the start date, if you cannot arrive on time, you should apply for a leave or suspension in advance. According to the UIBE management regulations of scholarship students, if the scholarship students leave China for more than 15 days during the schooling period (except normal holidays) due to personal reasons, their living allowance will be suspended during their absence. Application of Chinese government scholarship students for suspension of study must be submitted to the CSC for review and approval. If the suspension of study is approved, the living allowance will be suspended during the suspension of school and no free accommodation on campus will be provided. Scholarship qualifications will not be retained if other scholarship students apply for suspension.   我是新生 B: I am a freshman        1.我是新生,能否在开学前提前去学校或者北京? 1. I am a freshman. Can I go to school or Beijing before school starts? 答:不可以。学校已经推迟2020年春季学期开学时间,2月底前不开学,目前尚未确定开学时间。开学时间一经确定,会提前通知大家。如果你还没有购买机票,请先不要购买,等开学时间确定后再买。请不要提前来学校或北京! Answer: No. The school has postponed the start of the spring semester of 2020. It will not start before the end of February, and the starting date has not yet been determined. Once the starting time is determined, everyone will be notified in advance. If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, please don’t buy it first, and wait until the start of the semester is determined. Please do not come to school or Beijing in advance! 北京市政府已发布通知,疫情防控期间,所有来京人员到京后,均应居家或集中观察14天。拒绝接受居家观察、集中观察等防控措施的,依法追究责任。回京前,须提前向在京所在单位(学校)及居住的社区(村)报告。疫情防控期间,北京大多数酒店和宾馆已停止营业,在你来京后很有可能无法找到合适的居住地点,学校也不能提供住宿和集中观察的地方。因此,再次强调不要提前来学校或北京! The Beijing Municipal Government has issued a notice that during the epidemic prevention and control period, all people who come to Beijing should stay at home or take a quarantine for 14 days after arriving in Beijing. Those who refuse to take measures for prevention and control such as home observation and centralized quarantine shall be held accountable according to law. Before returning to Beijing, you must report in advance to the faculty in which you live in Beijing and the community (village) where you live. During the epidemic prevention and control period, most hotels and guesthouses in Beijing have ceased operations. After you come to Beijing, it is likely that you will not be able to find a suitable place to live, and school will not be able to provide accommodation and places for centralized quarantine. Therefore, again we suggest not to come to school or Beijing in advance!        2.我是新生,原来申请的春季入学是否可以改为秋季入学?是否需要重新申请? 2. I am a freshman. Can I apply for spring admission instead of fall admission? Do I need to reapply?    答:已申请2020年春季学期入学的新生可以改为2020年秋季入学,请于正式开学前提出申请,重新提交《入学申请表》或联系招生负责老师修改。如你已缴纳学费,可顺延至2020年秋季学期。 Answer: Freshmen who have applied for admission in the spring semester of 2020 can change to fall 2020 admission. Please submit an application before the official start of the school, resubmit the "application form" or contact the admissions staff to modify it. If you have paid your tuition, the money can be extended to the fall semester of 2020.        3.我是新生,想放弃入学机会,请问要办理什么手续? 3. I am a freshman and would like to give up the chance of enrollment. What procedures should I go through?    答:请联系所申请项目的招生老师,办理取消学习的手续。如果你已经申请了中国的学习签证(X1或X2签证),请扫描你的签证并发给学院(邮箱:[email protected]),我们将通知出入境管理部门注销该签证。 Answer: Please contact the admission staff of the project you are applying for to cancel the study. If you have already applied for a Chinese study visa (X1 or X2 visa), please scan your visa and send it to the school email: [email protected], and we will notify the immigration department to cancel the visa.   联系人及联系方式: Contact person and contact information:     联系人 Contact information 邮箱 Email 来华留学生类别 Student Type 史老师、乔老师、秦老师 Mr.Shi、Ms.Qiao、Ms.Qin [email protected] 在读学历留学生 Current Degree Students 李老师 (Ms.Li) [email protected] 在读汉语进修生 Current Non-degree Students 许老师 (Ms.Xu) [email protected] 在读预科班学生 Current Preparatory Course Students 李老师 (Ms.Li) [email protected] 中文授课本科、硕士、博士新生 New Students of Chinese-Taught Bachelor、Master、Doctor Programs 朱老师 (Ms.Zhu) [email protected] 英文授课本科、硕士、博士新生 New Students of English-Taught Bachelor、Master、Doctor Programs 张老师 (Ms.Zhang) [email protected] 非学历新生 New Students of Non-degree Program 张老师 (Ms.Zhang) [email protected] 其他新生 Other New Students                                                                对外经济贸易大学国际学院 School of International Education University of International Business and Economics 2020年2月15日 February 15th, 2020